Articles tagged with: nceh

Carefully using a large knife, the woman had cut into the fish’s belly, and would subsequently extract the internal organs prior to finally cutting away the fillets. Here, an elderly woman was in the process of preparing a fresh fish on her clean kitchen counter. Carefully using a large knife, the woman had cut into […]

Here, an elderly woman was in the process of preparing a fresh fish on her clean kitchen counter … Here, an elderly woman was in the process of preparing a fresh fish on her clean kitchen counter. Having scaled and gutted the fish, while carefully using a large knife, the woman was about to […]

Properly preparing fresh, uncooked produce … was sharing in the preparation of a healthy meal, beginning with a thorough cleaning … This African-American couple was sharing in the preparation of a healthy meal, beginning with a thorough cleaning of a number of produce items including onions, carrots and sweet potatoes. Safely using a knife, both […]

The process of preparing a fresh fish on her clean kitchen counter Here, an elderly woman was in the process of preparing a fresh fish on her clean kitchen counter, while a young African-American boy watched. Teaching this youngster how to carefully process fresh fish is an important skill he will hopefully put to good […]

Properly cleaning fresh, uncooked produce is a must when preparing a meal, and with this in mind, the elderly woman pictured here was doing just that, as she was thoroughly cleaning a number of carrots and radishes Properly cleaning fresh, uncooked produce is a must when preparing a meal, and with this in mind, the […]

While this African-American father was in the process of repairing an interior door frame inside his residence, his young son was playing with a toy car … While this African-American father was in the process of repairing an interior door frame inside his residence, his young son was playing with a toy car in an […]