Articles tagged with: harvard medical school (hms)

A new setting — Oxford — for bold visions Their interests range from exploring the nexus of medicine, psychology, and sexuality to applying statistics to immunology research, but one thing Elizabeth Byrne, Alexander Diaz, Aurora Griffin, Andrew Lea, Paolo Singer, and Katherine Warren have in common is a desire to change the world for the […]
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How Rwanda Is Dramatically Expanding Its Health Workforce Innovative partnership aims to bridge human resource On the heels of a World Health Organization warning in Brazil last week that the world faces a shortage of 7.2 million health workers, a special report published Nov. 21 in the New England Journal of Medicine marks a pivot […]
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Head of the Class Giant skull and foot models donated to Warren Anatomical Museum Thomas Dwight lectures to medical students in 1906 using two skull models. The one at right has just been donated to the Warren Anatomical Museum, while the one at left is still used today in the teaching of anatomy. Image: Photograph […]

Examining the Impact of Stress Symposium explores transdisciplinary studies on stress and its role in health disparities Exactly how much does stress really contribute to disparities in disease and premature mortality, and specifically, what is its role in cancer and cardiovascular disease? To arrive at some answers, and encourage collaboration on transdisciplinary approaches to studying […]

Unnecessary Testing? Study finds inappropriate laboratory testing throughout medicine Laboratory testing is health care’s single highest volume activity, with more than 5 billion tests performed each year in the U.S. A new study examining 15 years’ worth of published research reveals some surprising findings about blood tests. Led by investigators at Harvard Medical School and […]

New HMS Clinical Skills Center Opens. To be used for teaching, assessment, faculty development In many ways, the stately, white marble buildings around the Harvard Medical School quadrangle don’t look any different today than when they were first erected in 1906, but visitors can now walk into one of them – the Tosteson Medical Education Center – […]

Damage Control Researchers identify a key molecule involved in kidney failure One of the most devastating side effects of diabetes is kidney failure, and one of the earliest signs of damage to the kidney is disruption of its filtering capacity. Diabetes patients who develop kidney failure must go on dialysis, seriously limiting their quality of […]

HMS Physician Nominated To Be U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy is founder of Doctors for America President Barack Obama has nominated a Harvard Medical School physician to become the 19th surgeon general of the United States. Obama announced his nomination of Vivek Murthy, an HMS instructor in medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Brigham […]
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Mitochondrial Mystery Investigating cells’ power packs fuels understanding of rare, and common, diseases How our cells’ power packs drink up calcium may unlock secrets of rare, and common, diseases Mitochondria, the powerhouses of our cells, would have been good models for the “Got Milk?” campaign; they have an insatiable thirst for calcium. “It’s an incredibly […]

Muscle Builders Zebrafish and stem cells enable fast drug discovery for muscle disorders Scientists have had little success growing skeletal muscle for people with muscular dystrophy and other disorders that degrade and weaken muscle. Undertaking experiments in zebrafish, mice and human cells, researchers have now identified a way to do that, creating muscle cells that […]