Articles tagged with: medicaid

Affordable Care Act Supports States in Strengthening Community Living Nationally, $4.3 Billion in New Funds Announced to Help Establish and Expand Community-based Alternatives to Institutional Long Term Care States will see significant new federal support in their efforts to help move Medicaid beneficiaries out of institutions and into their own homes or other community settings […]
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Medicare Fraud Strike Force Charges 111 Individuals for more than $225 Million in False Billing and Expands Operations to Two Additional Cities Doctors, Nurses, Health Care Company Owners and Executives Among the Defendants Charged; Law Enforcement Agents Execute 16 Search Warrants WASHINGTON – The Medicare Fraud Strike Force today charged 111 defendants in nine cities, […]

Medicaid Cost-Savings Opportunities February 3, 2011 Overview Medicaid is a large and diverse health care coverage program. Jointly financed by the States and the Federal government, in 2010, Medicaid covered nearly 53 million people and accounted for about 16 percent of all health care spending.(1) It accounts for 17 percent of all hospital spending and […]

Sebelius outlines state flexibility and federal support available for Medicaid HHS to increase efforts to create savings for states; ensure sustainability and quality in Medicaid program Sebelius outlines state flexibility and federal support available for Medicaid HHS to increase efforts to create savings for states; ensure sustainability and quality in Medicaid program WASHINGTON – Today, […]

Health care fraud prevention and enforcement efforts recover record $4 billion; new Affordable Care Act tools will help fight fraud Joint DOJ & HHS efforts result in largest sum ever recovered in single year; new rules under the Affordable Care Act will keep fraudulent providers and suppliers out of Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP and avoid payments […]

Sebelius announces three million Medicare beneficiaries have received prescription drug cost relief under the Affordable Care Act U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius today announced that three million Medicare beneficiaries nationwide have received prescription drug cost relief through the Affordable Care Act. To date, three million eligible beneficiaries who fell into […]

RIDHS signs voluntary resolution agreement with HHS’ Office of Civil Rights Rhode Island’s Department of Human Services to enhance how it provides for effective communication The Rhode Island Department of Human Services (RIDHS) and HHS’ Office for Civil Rights (OCR) signed a resolution agreement, in which RIDHS agreed to make changes in its policies and […]
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