Articles in Information

Cholesterol as Target for Age-Related Vision Loss A study in mice suggests that targeting cholesterol metabolism in the eye may help prevent progression of a severe form of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), one of the most common causes of blindness in older Americans. An eye affected by neovascular AMD, filled with abnormal blood vessels and […]
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Seeing Into the Brain Researchers developed a technique that preserves the brain’s 3-D structure down to the molecular level. The accomplishment allows study of the brain’s inner workings at a scale never before possible. … A thick slice of a mouse brain’s memory hub, or hippocampus, reveals projecting neurons (green), connecting interneurons (red) and layers […]

Research Hints at New Approach to Addiction A study in rats found that stimulating a specific part of the brain reduces compulsive cocaine seeking. The finding suggests a potential approach to changing addictive behavior. Compulsive drug taking, which brings a range of negative health and social consequences, is one of the most challenging aspects of […]
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Sensing Temperature Researchers discovered that distinct sets of neurons respond to heat and cold. The findings provide an elegant explanation for how mammals sense temperature. Thermosensation—the ability to detect temperature—triggers our reflex to withdraw from painful heat or cold. But mammals are also able to detect more pleasant cool and warm temperatures. We sense temperature […]

Weight Loss in People with Serious Mental Illness A new study showed that a weight-loss intervention can help overweight and obese people with serious mental illnesses—such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and major depression—lose significant weight and keep it off. More than 80% of people with serious mental illnesses are overweight or obese—a major factor that […]
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Chelation Therapy May Help Reduce Cardiovascular Events In a new study, chelation therapy—an unproven alternative treatment for heart disease—modestly reduced cardiovascular events in older adults who’d suffered a prior heart attack. The findings weren’t conclusive but provide guidance for future research. Chelation is a chemical process in which certain compounds bind heavy metals and minerals […]
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Technique Directs Immune Cells to Target Leukemia A type of targeted immunotherapy induced remission in adults with an aggressive form of leukemia that had relapsed in 5 patients. The early results of this ongoing trial highlight the potential of the approach. A lymphoblast, an abnormal cell occurring in lymphoblastic leukemia.Image by David Gregory and Debbie […]
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Quitting Smoking Benefits Health Despite Weight Gain The benefits to cardiovascular health that are associated with quitting smoking aren’t blunted by the modest weight gain, according to a new study. The findings underscore the benefits of putting a stop to smoking. Cigarette smoking causes about 1 in every 5 deaths in the United States each […]
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Immune Cells Regulate Brain Development Scientists discovered a new role for immune cells called microglia in the developing brain. The finding may reveal insights into neurodevelopmental disorders like autism and schizophrenia. Microglia (green) contact and envelop neural precursor cells (red) in the developing brain. Image by Noctor lab, courtesy of Journal of Neuroscience. Microglia serve as a […]
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How Resveratrol May Fight Aging A new study gives insight into how resveratrol—a compound found in grapes, red wine and nuts—may ward off several age-related diseases. The findings could help in the development of drugs to curtail some of the health problems that arise as we get older. Certain metabolic diseases, including type 2 diabetes […]