Articles tagged with: university of georgia (uga)

Three UGA faculty members among 100 most influential social work journal authors Athens, Ga. – The British Journal of Social Work recently published a study “Influential Publications in Social Work Discourse: The 100 Most Highly Cited Articles in Disciplinary Journals: 2000-09,” which includes three University of Georgia School of Social Work faculty members. The study […]

UGA streamlines high-tech irrigation system Athens, Ga. – A technology developed on the University of Georgia campus in Tifton that helps farmers improve yields and conserve water just got easier for farmers to use, says a UGA irrigation specialist. Calvin Perry, superintendent of the UGA CM Stripling Irrigation Research Park in Camilla, Ga., adjusts the […]
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UGA researchers develop first mouse model to study important aspect of Alzheimer’s Athens, Ga. – Hirano bodies are almost indescribably tiny objects found in nerve cells of people suffering from conditions such as Alzheimer’s, mad cow and Lou Gehrig’s diseases. Yet for decades, researchers weren’t sure if these structures helped cause the conditions or appeared […]