Articles tagged with: treatments

Deep brain stimulation helps severe OCD, but pioneer advises caution, compassion For patients most severely afflicted with obsessive-compulsive disorder, electrical stimulation of a brain network can rebalance their emotional state, helping them respond to conventional therapy when it never worked before. New long-term results show that patients’ improvements remain if the treatment continues. But, as […]
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Insight offers new angle of attack on variety of brain tumors A research team led by scientists at Brown University and the University of California–San Francisco have associated a mutation found in many kinds of brain tumors with a molecular process that affects metabolism genes. The discovery may open the door to developing new treatments […]
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Researchers build ‘artificial ovary’ to develop oocytes into mature human eggs Researchers at Brown University and Women & Infants Hospital of Rhode Island have built an artificial human ovary that can grow oocytes into mature human eggs in the laboratory. That development, reported in the Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, could help preserve fertility […]
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