Articles tagged with: Stanford University

A closer look at how stretching may benefit the body Below is the final installment of a two-part discussion on the merits of stretching with Michael Fredericson, MD, who has served as head team physician with the Stanford Sports Medicine Program since 1992. Here Fredericson talks about whether the conventional reach-and-hold approach to lengthening one’s muscles […]
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Racing to raise awareness of pulmonary hypertension ” This weekend, more than 1,500 patients, family members and friends walked or ran the Race Against Pulmonary Hypertension at Stanford. The 5K race, one of the largest and longest-running PH events in the country, was founded in 2001 by a patient with the rare lung disorder and her family in an […]
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Kicking the smoking habit for good ” I still smile when I remember talking with a friend who told me he had quit smoking a few years back. “But I saw you smoking on Saturday,” I reminded him. After a pause, he murmured that he had given up his daily habit and now only smoked […]

Smokers sought for study of different approach to quitting Researchers from the Stanford University School of Medicine are recruiting smokers for a study to test a different approach to helping them quit cigarettes and bolster their chances of staying smoke-free for good. The study will assess whether an extended period of one-on-one counseling — after an initial phase of […]
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The economic benefits of publicly funded medical research “While the health benefits of medical research are easily observed in our everyday lives -through stories of patient survival, biomedical discoveries and prevention strategies – the economic rewards often go unnoticed. To help the public better understand the far-reaching impact of medical schools and teaching hospitals, the Association of American […]
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Is barefoot running better for the body? “Recent research has shown runners who eschew shoes may be less likely to do serious injury to their feet. However, some doctors have cautioned that the practice can cause injuries rather than prevent them. Interested to know more about the potential benefits and risks of barefoot running, I contacted Michael Fredericson, MD, who has […]
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A conversation about the merits of stretching “A life-long runner, I have spent my fair share of time in physical therapists’ offices seeking treatment for fitness-related injuries. Often during these visits, health-care providers assess my flexibility, deem it unsatisfactory and recommend a variety of stretches to further protect my muscles, tendons and joints from harm. […]
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Inflammation, not just wear and tear, spawn osteoarthritis “Tearing of the meniscus – a cartilage-rich, crescent-shaped pad behind the kneecap that serves as a shock absorber for in joints such as the knee – is often thought of as a runner’s risk. But meniscal tears can occur spontaneously as one grows older, too. In fact, about one […]
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Osteoarthritis results from inflammatory process, not just wear and tear, study suggests In a study published online Nov. 6 in Nature Medicine, investigators at the Stanford University School of Medicine have shown that the development of osteoarthritis is in great part driven by low-grade inflammatory processes. This is at odds with the prevailing view attributing the condition to […]

Stanford news – Image of the Week: CCSR Green “ This is a great looking photo of the green wing of the Center for Clinical Sciences Research at Stanford Medical Center. It was taken by Jared Wong with a Canon PowerShot S90. Nice work, Jared.” ### * Stanford University Medical Center integrates research, medical education and […]
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