Articles tagged with: smoke

Kicking the smoking habit for good ” I still smile when I remember talking with a friend who told me he had quit smoking a few years back. “But I saw you smoking on Saturday,” I reminded him. After a pause, he murmured that he had given up his daily habit and now only smoked […]

Smokers sought for study of different approach to quitting Researchers from the Stanford University School of Medicine are recruiting smokers for a study to test a different approach to helping them quit cigarettes and bolster their chances of staying smoke-free for good. The study will assess whether an extended period of one-on-one counseling — after an initial phase of […]
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Exposure to tobacco smoke causes immediate damage, says new surgeon general’s report. Report focuses on how tobacco smoke causes disease. Exposure to tobacco smoke – even occasional smoking or secondhand smoke – causes immediate damage to your body that can lead to serious illness or death, according to a report released today by U.S. Surgeon […]