Articles tagged with: Report

With high food prices set to continue, UN agencies issue call to action The United Nations agencies working to combat hunger today called for action to ensure long-term food security as a new report shows that high food prices are likely to continue and possible increase over the next decade. “The State of Food Insecurity […]
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World hunger report 2011: High, volatile prices set to continue 10-10-2011 Heads of Rome-based UN food agencies call for forceful action Food price volatility featuring high prices is likely to continue and possibly increase, making poor farmers, consumers and countries more vulnerable to poverty and food insecurity, the United Nations’ three Rome-based agencies said in […]
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National Cancer Institute (NCI) announces plans to reinvigorate clinical trials. Consolidation of cooperative group program is designed to bring enhanced efficiencies to oncological sciences The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has announced major changes to be made in the long-established Clinical Trials Cooperative Group Program that conducts many of the nationwide trials of new cancer therapies. […]

Malaria-infected cells stiffen, block blood flow A team of researchers at Brown University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has completed the first modeling, followed by experiments, of how red blood cells are infected by a malarial parasite that attacks the brain. The researchers report that infected cells stiffen by as much as 50 times […]
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Exposure to tobacco smoke causes immediate damage, says new surgeon general’s report. Report focuses on how tobacco smoke causes disease. Exposure to tobacco smoke – even occasional smoking or secondhand smoke – causes immediate damage to your body that can lead to serious illness or death, according to a report released today by U.S. Surgeon […]
Raising Healthcare Quality & Lowering Costs Through Health IT Wednesday December 8, 2010 President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) Release Health Information Technology Report. ……………………. President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology Releases Report on Health Information Technology Calls for Adoption of Universal Exchange Language to Mobilize Data, Improve Healthcare, Enhance […]
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Researchers report data on head impacts in college football Joseph Crisco, professor of orthopaedics, and Russell Fiore, Brown’s head athletic trainer, have measured the frequency and location of head impacts in college football, position-by-position. Defensive linemen take the most hits; quarterbacks are the only players to be hit mostly from behind. Crisco, Fiore, and their […]
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Researchers report two advances against preeclampsia Preeclampsia, a sudden-onset and sometimes fatal prenatal disease, may strike up to 8 percent of pregnant women worldwide. Researchers have now developed a dependable pregnancy-specific animal model for laboratory testing and may have a predictive test that would allow early intervention. The studies are reported in The American Journal […]
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