Taking the “Ewww”… out of snail cream
June 17, 2014 – 11:07 pm | One Comment

Great news for all those women (and men) who have wanted to try the beautifying effects of snail slime but could never get past the “ick” factor. 20yrsyounger.com promises to get rid of the Ewww… while still letting women reap the anti-aging and rejuvenating benefits of snail slime cream. The process itself is called lyophilisation […]

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Concussions: Giving brain injuries the attention they deserve
October 27, 2010 – 9:09 pm | No Comments
Concussions: Giving brain injuries the attention they deserve

Concussions: Giving brain injuries the attention they deserve No more “Just shake it off” advice. Sports organizations from Pop Warner to the NFL are starting to treat concussions as the serious injuries they are. PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — An estimated 300,000 high school athletes suffer concussions on the playing fields annually. The brain is […]

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