Articles tagged with: M.D.

UR Deaf Health Disparities Group Wins National Excellence Award The National Center for Deaf Health Research (NCDHR) recently won accolades for putting community-based participatory research into action. The NCDHR was one of 11 research groups that won a best-practices award from the National Community Committee, which is associated with the Centers for Disease Control and […]
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American Society of Clinical Oncologists to Honor James P. Wilmot Cancer Center Physician John M. Bennett, M.D., an international expert in leukemia, has been named the 2011 recipient of the B.J. Kennedy Award and Lecture for Scientific Excellence in Geriatric Oncology. The award is given by the American Society of Clinical Oncologists (ASCO) and will […]

New URMC Tool Helps Researchers Tackle Complex Medical Questions Simplifies Application of Math Models to Scientific Problems The University of Rochester Medical Center has developed a new high-tech tool that allows scientists to create models and develop simulations of complex systems, such as the interaction between the flu virus and the immune system. The developers […]
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Programs for Children Center Stage at Satcher Awards Ceremony The second annual Dr. David Satcher Community Health Improvement Awards will be presented by the University of Rochester Medical Center’s Center for Community Health on Monday evening. In their second year, the community health improvement awards distinguish individuals who have made significant contributions to community […]
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UR Technology to Enhance Eyesight Approved by FDA Patients at Flaum Eye Institute Were First to Benefit from Latest March 16, 2011 A technology created by University of Rochester physicians and scientists that has helped boost the eyesight of patients to unprecedented levels is now more widely available, thanks to approval by the […]
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University of Rochester to Honor Nobel Prize Winner March 24 Event includes Rochester premiere of documentary on renowned neuroscientist Nobel Laureate Eric Kandel, M.D., will receive the University of Rochester’s Eastman Medal Thursday, March 24, at the School of Medicine and Dentistry. Kandel received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2000 for his […]
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Pinpointing Air Pollution’s Effects on the Heart Scientists are untangling how the tiniest pollution particles – which we take in with every breath we breathe – affect our health, making people more vulnerable to cardiovascular and respiratory problems. While scientists know that air pollution can aggravate heart problems, showing exactly how it does so […]
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Review of recent studies shows predominantly positive results for health information technology A study completed by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) and published in the journal Health Affairs finds growing evidence of the benefits of health information technology (HIT). Using methods that were employed by two previous independent reviews, […]
National Cancer Institute (NCI) announces plans to reinvigorate clinical trials. Consolidation of cooperative group program is designed to bring enhanced efficiencies to oncological sciences The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has announced major changes to be made in the long-established Clinical Trials Cooperative Group Program that conducts many of the nationwide trials of new cancer therapies. […]

You Are What You Eat AND Drink: New Research Focuses on Alcohol and Nutrition … These images compare the synapse formation (appearsin red) in the neurons from two mouse fetuses. The one on the left is from the fetus that had sufficient DHA during gestation while the one on the right is from the fetus […]