Articles tagged with: food and agriculture organization

UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) > UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is working with its Members and the entire international community for achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. These eight goals – each with specific targets and indicators – are based on the […]
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Building political momentum for famine-free Horn of Africa Diouf urges adequate and predictable funding for HoA region New York – FAO Director-General Jacques Diouf today called for “adequate and predictable” financial resources to resolve the crisis in the Horn of Africa. “I have no doubt that the fight against hunger in the Horn of Africa can […]
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FAO Food Price Index almost unchanged But cereal prices up in August Rome – World food prices remained virtually unchanged between July and August 2011 according to the FAO Food Price Index published today. The Index averaged 231 points last month compared to 232 points in July. It was 26 percent higher than in August 2010 but seven […]
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Global Soil Partnership for Food Security launched at FAO New effort to assure soils future generations Rome – FAO Director-General Jacques Diouf warned today that pressure on the world’s soil resources and land degradation are threatening global food security. He called for a renewed international effort to assure sufficient fertile and healthy soils today and for future […]

Famine spreads further in Somalia FAO calls for stepped up response Nairobi/Rome- FAO today called for increased efforts to stem the food crisis in the Horn of Africa as famine spread to a sixth area of Somalia, threatening 750 000 people with starving to death in the next four months. Latest data released today by the […]
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Bird Flu rears its head again Increased preparedness and surveillance urged against variant strain Rome – FAO today urged heightened readiness and surveillance against a possible major resurgence of the H5N1 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza amid signs that a mutant strain of the deadly Bird Flu virus is spreading in Asia and beyond, with unpredictable risks […]

As famine spreads action urgently needed Immediate support vital Rome – As famine spread to three more areas of southern Somalia and threatened to engulf the whole of the country’s south, FAO warned that immediate action is needed to save the lives and livelihoods of millions of farmers and pastoralists across the drought-struck Horn of Africa. […]
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Togo sees significant return on investment in agriculture Farmers turn European support into profit Lomé, Togo/Rome – The European Union’s (EU) investment in agricultural rehabilitation in Togo has led to benefits that are almost double their cost, according to FAO. The Organization used EU funding to help Togolese farmers cope with high food prices and climatic […]

Aid for East Africa, now and in the future Joint FAO-WFP statement Rome – Following the emergency meeting on the food and humanitarian crisis in the Horn of Africa held in Rome on 25 July at the request of the French Presidency of the G20, FAO and WFP welcome the international community’s determined mobilization in response […]
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Influence food security and nutrition governance New online consultation on food security and nutrition launched Rome – The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) has launched a new online consultation on food security and nutrition governance. The purpose of the consultation is to gather inputs for the preparation of the Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition […]
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