Articles tagged with: bu

Brown University. Academics. Brown gives students the freedom to direct their education Offering approximately 2,000 courses each year in more than 40 academic departments, Brown attracts, challenges, and cultivates independent thinkers with the power and drive to create personally meaningful lives. Undergraduates at Brown are responsible for designing individualized programs of study across multiple departments. A […]
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About Brown University Located in historic Providence, Rhode Island and founded in 1764, Brown University is the seventh-oldest college in the United States. Brown is an independent, coeducational Ivy League institution comprising undergraduate and graduate programs, plus the Alpert Medical School and the School of Engineering. With its talented and motivated student body and […]
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Blood test may find markers of bladder cancer risk Exposures to harmful substances in the environment alters the methylation of DNA, potentially elevating the risk of developing cancer. A new blood test can detect the abnormal pattern of methylation associated with bladder cancer, suggesting that it may be possible to assess a person’s susceptibility to […]
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Brown creates steering committee for 250th anniversary Chancellor Thomas J. Tisch announces members of a steering committee that will oversee planning and implementation of the University’s 250th anniversary celebration in 2014. The 20-member committee of trustees, faculty, staff, and students will begin its work this semester. PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — With its 250th-anniversary class […]
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Deep brain stimulation helps severe OCD, but pioneer advises caution, compassion For patients most severely afflicted with obsessive-compulsive disorder, electrical stimulation of a brain network can rebalance their emotional state, helping them respond to conventional therapy when it never worked before. New long-term results show that patients’ improvements remain if the treatment continues. But, as […]
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Brown scientists to discuss best practices for the oceans Brown University scientists will present ideas to help carry out President Obama’s National Ocean Policy, which calls for better stewardship of the nation’s oceans, coastal waters and the Great Lakes. Heather Leslie and Leila Sievanen will speak at the AAAS annual meeting in Washington, D.C., on […]
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Lower mental health co-pays do not help seniors seek care Parity legislation that equalizes co-pays for mental health care with co-pays for other medical care will have no effect on seniors in Medicare-managed care plans, based on an analysis by Brown community health researchers. Other measures may be necessary to help more seniors get the […]
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Ronald Ferguson to deliver Martin Luther King Jr. Lecture Noted scholar Ronald Ferguson will deliver the 2011 Martin Luther King Jr. Lecture at Brown University on Feb. 8, 2011. His talk, titled “Pursuing Excellence with Racial Equity: A Social Movement for the 21st Century,” is free and open to the public. It begins at 4 […]
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Taking mating cues from many sources, pathogen adapts to thrive and infect New research shows that a nasty yeast called Candida albicans, a source of infection in humans, can become inspired to mate and to form biofilms by the pheromones of many other species. It can even switch over to same-sex mating when an opposite-sex […]
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Magnetically controlled pills could boost body’s absorption of drugs Many drugs can only be absorbed in very specific parts of the intestine. In a new paper, Brown University scientists describe a new system that can safely hold a magnetic gelatin capsule in place anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract of a rat. In humans, the system […]
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