Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety and Stage Fright. Bravina Review.
What is Public Speaking Anxiety (Stage fright)?
Stage fright, also known as glossophobia (taken from Greek glossa; tongue, and phobos; fear or dread), is the fear of public speaking.
Not uncommon, stage fright (public speaking anxiety) is placed even before death as the greatest fear for one out of three people in the United States. In addition, three out of every four people suffer from stage fright. Stage fright is the fear of anxiety related to real or anticipated communication from others. In other words, stage fright is a direct function of the perception of the situation and affects the speaker in two ways: physiologically and emotionally. Let’s look at how our perception of stage fright affects our speech dynamics:
Anxiety is described as the anticipation of a situation that is perceived as threatening. When faced with this type of threat, the body reacts in the flight or flight response. Consequently, adrenaline and/or epinephrine are released into the bloodstream, resulting in an accelerated heart rate, an increase in blood pressure and irregular breathing patterns. These responses can then lead to perspiration, uncontrollable shaking, shivers, flushing of the face, dry mouth and the desire to fidget with objects. The irregularity in breathing can itself lead to short-term memory loss, the weakening of the voice (resulting in stammering or stuttering), and in the extreme case disorientation or hyperventilation.
The emotional impact of perceived threat or fear is what causes the physiological symptoms of stage fright to occur in the first place. This perceived fear is the fear of looking foolish to others and the fear of public humiliation. Humiliation sabotages the ego and compromises self confidence. So great is this fear that many people will avoid jobs/job interviews that require public speaking, avoid promotions, or for students, avoid classes that require public speaking, or change majors based on the perceived peril of stage fright (public speaking anxiety). Our culture equates effective and fluid articulation to intelligence. A good leader is generally defined as one who possesses these traits, thereby raising the stakes yet higher for those with stage fright issues.
It is important to keep in mind that stage fright (fear of public speaking) is hardly uncommon. Some studies have shown that stage fright strikes some people harder than others. People who are anxious by nature; either ‘high trait’ or generalized anxiety sufferers, are not surprisingly those who possess the most stage fright. These people actually tend to become more anxious as the presentation gets underway and remain nervous even when the presentation is over. People with ‘low trait’ anxiety, on the other hand, tend to relax once they begin to speak, often wishing they would have had more time.
Stage fright isn’t limited to public speaking or delivering presentations. Rather, anytime in any given social situation, wherein people are exchanging verbal remarks that need to sound persuasive and effective, there appears to be an increase in anxiety symptoms, preventing effective communication.
Here’s the good news: Stage fright (public speaking fear) is manageable and can be overcome. Some anxiety is actually good for a speech; rendering the speaker passionate and intense in regard to subject matter. There are a variety of tools for curbing stage fright: an effective herbal supplement application ( Bravina’s Ingredients) in conjunction with natural anxiety reduction techniques ( Overcoming Stage Fright) can greatly modify anxious behaviors and allow you to become an articulate, effective and persuasive public speaker.
Bravina Review. How does Bravina Work?
Bravina Ingredients
Passiflora – This supplement has been widely utilized for reducing anxiety and restlessness. Chemicals in the passiflora increase the levels of the neurotransmitter known as gamma-aminobutyric-acid (GABA), decreasing nerve cell activity in the brain, causing relaxation and relief from anxiety.
In addition, passiflora contains chemicals known as harmala alkaloids. This enzyme (monoamine oxidase) affects beneficial neurotransmitters – namely, dopamine and serotonin – which positively affect mood stability.
Motherwort (leonurus cardiaca) – Traditionally, motherwort has been extensively utilized to treat a myriad of conditions. Leonurine and stachydine, both found in this supplement, have been shown to lower blood pressure and calm the central nervous system. In addition, its calming effect on emotions and has been widely used to treat anxiety. This supplement may be most effective when the heart rate increases due to increasing nervousness.
St. John’s Wort – This widely utilized supplement is commonly used to treat anxiety and nervousness. St. John’s Wort is believed to inhibit serotonin (5-HT) reuptake (the process by which the presynaptic terminal of a neuron reabsorbs and recycles the molecules of neurotransmitter it has previously secreted in conveying an impulse to another neuron), similar to many selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI’s) including fluoxetine and sertraline.
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) – Ashwaganda is often classified as a common adaptogen, which is a supplement that increases the body’s resistance to stress, trauma, anxiety and fatigue. This supplement promotes the body’s ability to maintain homeostasis and resist stress. Researchers have found an increase in acetycholine receptor activity in the brain in humans after ingesting Ashwagandha, which might partly explain the cognition-enhancing and memory-improving effects. In addition, this supplement can be utilized to fight fatigue during periods of mental or physical tension, ultimately acting as a vitalizer and energizer.
Valerian root (valerianaceae) – This supplement is also noted for its ability to increase GABA in the synaptosomes, possibly due to the high levels of GABA in the root itself. In addition, this supplement may help inhibit GABA reuptake as well. As discussed, GABA neurotransmitters have been utilized to decrease nerve cell activity during periods of overstimulation.
Eleuthero Root – This supplement is credited with antioxidant properties said to boost the body’s resistance to external stress while enhancing capacity for concentration. This supplement affects the adrenal glands by helping to prevent “adrenal burnout” caused by ongoing physical or mental stress. In addition, this supplement has been utilized to boost concentration and focus, ultimately promoting mental resilience and memory.
Panax – This widely utilized supplement balances the release of stress hormones by supporting the organs that produce them (hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal glands). Ultimately, this supplement’s adaptogen substances have been utilized to reduce stress while enhancing mental concentration. Proponents point to this supplement’s ability to facilitate simple and abstract thinking during periods of public speaking anxiety (stage fright).
Ginkgo Biloba – This supplement is one if the most scientifically studied and prescribed supplements used today. Numerous and well-documented studies have been conducted on its ability to enhance memory and cognitive functioning. Known for its membrane-stabilizing effects, Ginko Biloba appears to reduce blood viscosity, which means that the heart can operate more effectively. This effect may be partially responsible for memory enhancement by providing more oxygen to the brain.
Octacosanol – The delivery of oxygen to your body’s cells is a vital process that may be aided by supplement intake. Octacosanol is shown to increase oxygen utilization during exercise and periods of mental stress. This increases physical endurance, improves your reaction time and ultimately helps your body fight fatigue.>
Does Bravina Work?
“I have always avoided any public speaking. However, I’ve had to present in my work my final year of art school. I ordered Bravina about 7 months ago – to my surprise it curbed my stage fright. I can still feel the anxiety start to build before my presentation, but it never affects my speech during my presentation any more.”
~ consumer review from speakfreaks
Bravina is a convenient quick fix for people who need convenient quick fixes; nothing more.”
~ customer testimonial from the intangible wealth
“been using Bravina for work presentations and it really seems to calm me down – great product!”
~ review from answers.yahoo.com
“I did feel less nervous than usual, but still hard a hard time focusing. Overall my Bravinareview is positive.”
~ review from crazy working mom

I have terrible stage fright! I have tried every possible solution, but I would get stage fright unexpectedly at the worst possible times – giving a eulogy once 🙁 I tried bravina and it seems to work well – I have been taking it one to two hours before every presentation and it has calmed me down before and during my presentation. I have not attempted a presentation without it since I tried it . . .