Articles in Information

How Diet and Activity Affect Weight in Children Researchers created a mathematical model that simulates how weight and body fat in children respond to changes in diet and physical activity. The model may offer new insights for addressing childhood obesity. More than one-third of children and adolescents in the United States are overweight or obese. […]
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New Vasculitis Therapy as Effective as Standard Care Patients with severe vasculitis, or inflammation of the blood vessels, get the same benefits from just 4 doses of the drug rituximab over a month as from the standard daily therapy for 18 months, a new study reports. Vasculitis arises when your immune system mistakenly attacks your […]
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Mutated Genes in Schizophrenia Map to Brain Networks Researchers found that people with schizophrenia have a high number of spontaneous mutations in genes that form a network in the front region of the brain. The findings reveal further clues about the causes of the disorder. Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe brain disorder. People with schizophrenia […]
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Stem Cells Coaxed To Create Working Blood Vessels Scientists directed human stem cells to form networks of tiny blood vessels that can connect to the existing circulation in mice. The finding might assist future efforts to repair and regenerate tissues and organs, which need an adequate blood supply to grow and survive. Blood flow is […]
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Structure of a Potential Diabetes Drug Target Researchers have determined and analyzed the structure of the human glucagon receptor. The findings may aid in the development of drugs for type 1 and type 2 diabetes and other metabolic disorders. When blood glucose levels rise, such as after a meal, your pancreas releases the hormone insulin. […]
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Working Up a Sweat May Help Reduce Stroke Risk New findings suggest that breaking a sweat during regular physical activity may lower your risk of having a stroke. Stroke is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States. It occurs when blood vessels that supply the brain become ruptured or blocked. As a […]
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Duration of Obesity May Affect Heart Disease How long a young adult is obese may affect that person’s heart disease risk in middle age, according to new research. The finding suggests that not only preventing but also delaying the onset of obesity can help reduce heart disease later in life. Coronary heart disease is the […]
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Novel Structure and Function of Typhoid Toxin Researchers gained important insights into the reasons why Salmonella typhi, the cause of typhoid fever, is so dangerous. The findings could help guide the development of therapeutics and improved vaccines against the infection. More than 20 million people are infected with S. typhi each year, mainly in the developing world. Most […]
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Technique Forms Working Inner Ear Cells Using an innovative 3-D culture system, researchers were able to coax mouse embryonic stem cells to form cells and structures seen in the inner ear. The technique could lead to deeper insights into inner ear development and disorders. Specialized epithelial cells in the inner ear detect head movements, gravity […]
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Urine Test Detects Kidney Transplant Rejection Levels of certain molecules in the urine of kidney transplant recipients can provide an early sign of transplant rejection, researchers found. The noninvasive urine test could allow doctors to intervene early and protect transplanted kidneys. After a kidney transplant, patients must take medications with toxic side effects to keep […]
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