Articles in Information

Household Molds Linked to Childhood Asthma Three specific species of mold were more common in the homes of babies who later developed asthma. The finding highlights the importance of preventing water damage and mold growth in households with infants. Penicillium variabile, one of the mold species most associated with asthma.Image by David Gregory and Debbie […]
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Distinct Brain Activity in Hoarders Certain brain regions under-activate in people with hoarding disorder when dealing with others’ possessions but over-activate when deciding whether to keep or discard their own things. The new findings give insight into the biology of hoarding and may guide future treatment strategies. People with hoarding disorder have trouble making decisions […]

Gut Microbes Influence Metabolism During Pregnancy A new study shows that pregnancy alters microbe populations in the gut. The interactions with these microbes cause metabolic changes that likely help the pregnant mother and developing baby. Pregnancy causes many changes to a woman’s metabolism and immune system, including weight gain, reduced insulin sensitivity and inflammation. These […]
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Colon and Rectal Cancers Surprisingly Similar Researchers discovered that the major difference between most colon and rectal cancers is where they start. These and other insights from a new study may change the way we identify and treat these cancers. Cultured colon cancer cells. Image by Lorna McInroy, Wellcome Images. All rights reserved by Wellcome Images. […]
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Bacteria on Skin Boost Immune Cell Function The harmless bacteria that thrive on the skin can help immune cells fight disease-causing microbes, according to a new study in mice. The finding gives new insight into skin health. Staphylococcus epidermidis. Image by Janice Carr, courtesy of CDC/ Segrid McAllister. Skin is a barrier that’s one of the […]
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Rare Immune Cell Involved in Multiple Sclerosis A unique type of immune cell may contribute to multiple sclerosis (MS), researchers report. The discovery helps explain the effects of one of the newest experimental therapies for MS and could lead to improved treatments for MS and related disorders. MS is an autoimmune disease in which the […]
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Hope for Beating Egg Allergy Giving small daily doses of egg powder to children with egg allergy could pave the way to letting them eat the food safely, a new study finds. This would make life easier on kids whose only current option is to stay away from all foods that contain eggs. Egg allergy […]

New Genetic Mutations Discovered in Families with ALS Scientists have linked newly discovered genetic mutations to some cases of the fatal disorder amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. The finding sheds light on how ALS can harm the structure and growth of nerve cells, leading to rapidly progressive paralysis. The […]
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HIV Protein Strikes a Fleeting Pose NIH scientists have discovered a new intermediate structure of the HIV entry protein. This temporary structure, which occurs just before HIV infects a cell, may offer a potential target for developing an HIV vaccine. Scientists determined the structure of the HIV envelope glycoprotein in its activated state, in […]

Neighbors Help Cancer Cells Resist Treatment A new study shows that surrounding cells can help tumors develop resistance to drugs. The finding may change the way researchers approach the treatment of many cancers. Human melanoma cells growing in culture. Image by Paul J.Smith & Rachel Errington, Wellcome Images. All rights reserved by Wellcome Images. Drugs designed […]
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