Articles tagged with: secretary-general of the united nations ban ki-moon

Migration policies should protect rather than infringe human rights – Ban South African soldier apprehends illegal migrants from Zimbabwe Migrants are a strong force of progress in their host countries and policies should protect, not infringe their human rights, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says, calling for States to ensure their inalienable rights are not violated. “Migrants make vast […]
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Ban stresses need to address social inequity while promoting sustainable development Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stressed today that sustainable development cannot be achieved without addressing social inequalities and called for fresh ideas and international commitment to fairly sharing global resources. “One billion hungry people – one in five people without access to electricity – nearly 80 million […]

Ban urges Alliance of Civilizations to fight extremism, promote tolerance Museum of Islamic Arts, Doha Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged members of the Alliance of Civilizations today to combat extremism and promote tolerance at a time when universal values are being tested in many parts of the world, particularly in countries undergoing political transitions.“Again and again, we […]
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Secretary-General welcomes climate change deal reached at UN conference in Durban The United Nations Climate Change Conference, Durban 2011 Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon welcomed today the set of decisions reached by countries at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Durban, South Africa, saying they represent a significant agreement that will define how the international community will […]

Ban calls on youth to act now to ensure planet’s sustainable future Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called today on young people to help combat the multiple threats faced by the planet such as climate change and environmental destruction, to ensure a sustainable future for generations to come. “We have only this Earth, and it […]
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UN officials urge concerted effort to achieve global food security United Nations officials today called for concerted efforts to ensure the world’s fast-growing population has enough food, stressing that global food production will have to double by 2050 when the planet is expected to host an additional one billion inhabitants. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stressed that guaranteeing sustainable food […]
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