Articles tagged with: Receive

Brown biologist Casey Dunn wins NSF’s Waterman Award Biologist Casey Dunn, creator of the “Creaturecast” website, is this year’s winner of the National Science Foundation’s Alan T. Waterman Award. Dunn’s work on animal evolution and the origins of biological complexity, particularly with deep-sea creatures called siphonophores, holds clues for how complex multicellular organisms, including humans, […]
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Local Schools Receive National Recognition Award PELHAM, Ala., Oct. 29, 2010 – Janey Thornton, USDA Food, Nutrition and Consumer Service Deputy Under Secretary, today recognized 52 Alabama Public Schools receiving the HealthierUS School Challenge award at the Pelham Civic Center. “I’m thrilled to recognize these 52 Alabama schools for this extraordinary achievement,” said Deputy Under […]