Articles tagged with: harvard news

Street smarts Techy-savvy students developed hurricane response plans in SEAS competition Photo courtesy of Flickr user Angie M. Photography/Debris lingered just outside New Orleans in July 2006, almost a full year after Hurricane Katrina devastated the region. Imagine a powerful hurricane has wreaked havoc on the city of Cambridge, Mass. Thousands of residents are injured, […]

Alumna Hopes Video Will Help Stem the Cholera Tide A new animated video about cholera—how people get infected, how it spreads, and how to treat it—is drawing attention from health workers around the globe. The video’s producer, Deborah Van Dyke, is a nurse practitioner in Vermont, a longtime aid worker for Doctors Without Borders, and […]
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Negotiating a Better Future – Women and Public Policy Program, Harvard Kennedy School … Negotiating a Better Future – Women and Public Policy Program, Harvard Kennedy School Date: February 2, 2012 … Measuring the Impact of Negotiation Skills on Health and Social Outcomes in Zambia? Women and Public Policy Program, Harvard Kennedy School Kathleen McGinn, […]
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Exploring roots of hunger, eating behaviors Study demonstrates that plasticity in the brain’s wiring controls feeding behavior Images courtesy of Dong Kong/ BIDMC/ The scientists found that a 24-hour period of fasting — which causes intense hunger in the control mice — was associated with a 67 percent increase in the number of dendritic spines (pictured) […]
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Deciding to go left or right. Researchers use device to determine that lower animals can navigate too. Stephanie Mitchell/Harvard Staff Photographer/Physics Professor Aravinthan Samuel and a team of Harvard researchers have shown that the lowly fruit fly maggot is capable of making “left- and right-steering decisions based on sensory input.” For decades, scientists have associated […]

Right time for ‘end-of-life’ talk. Study finds patients wait longer than they should. Amanda Swinhart/ Harvard Staff Photographer/ “Previous studies have shown that patients who discuss their end-of-life care preferences with a physician are more likely to choose palliative, comfort-focused care over aggressive measures, and [to] receive hospice or other care consistent with their wishes. […]
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Coffee: The Good News More than half of American adults drink coffee every day. Recent scientific studies suggest moderate consumption may help reduce some disease risks. The interactive graphic below contains information about some of coffee’s possible health benefits. These studies are observational, meaning that researchers draw conclusions based on differences between the number of […]

Happiness & Health. The biology of emotion – and what it may teach us about helping people to live longer. Could a sunny outlook mean fewer colds and less heart disease? Do hope and curiosity somehow protect against hypertension, diabetes, and respiratory tract infections? Do happier people live longer—and, if so, why? These are the kinds […]

In case involving Kenyan abuse, scholarship must fit legal rubric. Kris Snibbe/Harvard Staff Photographer/Caroline Elkins, a Harvard history professor who studies colonial rule in East Africa, has spent the past few years as an “expert witness” testifying on the Mau Mau, a nationalist movement that liberated Kenya from British rule. What can historians learn by […]
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In the end, Somali famine preventable. Panel cites man-made factors in making natural disaster wors. Photos by Jon Chase/Harvard Staff Photographer/Ken Menkhaus, professor of political science at Davidson College, said it was profoundly disappointing to be discussing another Somali famine, after he worked in the country during the 1991-92 one. Each famine, he said, has […]
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