Hair Loss and More: When Stress Takes its Toll
Hair Loss and More: When Stress Takes its Toll
Last week, the celebrity gossip mill was atwitter with supermodel Tyra Banks’ juicy confession: The stress of writing her first fiction novel recently took a toll on her tresses.
The model-turned-media-mogul claimed that she “got a little alopecia (hair loss)” while juggling her many professional pressures.
While some might be quick to poke fun at the starlet’s plight, Banks raises an important issue that too many Americans ignore: Stress is neither something to brag about (that silly one-upmanship of “who’s busiest”) nor to suffer through silently. It puts real strain on our bodies, and if sustained, can suck years out of our life (not to mention life out of our years).
To learn more about stress, and its very real effects on our bodies, we spoke to mind-body research expert Dr. Jan Moynihan, who directs the Rochester Center for Mind-Body Research
To learn more about the research underway at the Rochester Center for Mind-Body Research, click here.
For a fascinating article on how our personality type affects our ability to withstand stress, click here.
* The above story is adapted from materials provided by University of Rochester Medical Center