Articles in News
Researchers report data on head impacts in college football Joseph Crisco, professor of orthopaedics, and Russell Fiore, Brown’s head athletic trainer, have measured the frequency and location of head impacts in college football, position-by-position. Defensive linemen take the most hits; quarterbacks are the only players to be hit mostly from behind. Crisco, Fiore, and their […]
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Dr. Jeffrey Gordon delivers 2010 Cosloy-Blank Lecture Human gut microbiome will be topic for december 8 address Dr. Jeffrey I. Gordon, M.D., will deliver the 5th Annual Sharon Cosloy-Edward Blank Lecture at The City College of New York 4 p.m. Wednesday, December 8. His topic will be “The human gut microbiome: dining in with trillions […]
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Research provides new leads in the case against drug-resistant biofilms Films of bacteria that form around foreign materials in the body can be very difficult to defeat with drugs, but research led by Brown University biologists has identified a couple proteins that play a key role in building these “biofilms.” This pair could prove to […]
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During Feds Feed Families 2010 food drive, employees across the country donated to local food banks for children, seniors and families in need. … Federal Employees Donate 1.7 Million Pounds of Nutritious Food Items and Essentials Nationwide … WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Office of Personnel Management Director John Berry, the U.S. Department of Agriculture […]
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Helical CT scans reduce lung cancer mortality by 20% compared to chest X-rays A national study of more than 53,000 current and former heavy smokers has demonstrated that helical CT scanning reduced lung cancer deaths by 20 percent compared to using chest X-rays. Constantine Gatsonis and colleagues at Brown’s Center for Statistical Sciences contributed methodologic […]
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Professor Emeritus H. Jack Geiger Receives Schweitzer Prize Honored for ‘Five Decades of Extending Fundamental Health Services’ and Leading Through Example Dr. H. Jack Geiger, a founding faculty member of the Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education at CCNY, received the Albert Schweitzer Prize for Humanitarianism. Dr. H. Jack Geiger, a founding faculty member of […]
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Would convenient access to affordable fresh produce improve eating habits? If your employer made fresh produce available at reasonable prices just down the hall, would you eat more fresh fruits and vegetables? Would a few health tips sweeten the deal? A new Brown University study will investigate what it takes to help people eat better. […]
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Local Schools Receive National Recognition Award PELHAM, Ala., Oct. 29, 2010 – Janey Thornton, USDA Food, Nutrition and Consumer Service Deputy Under Secretary, today recognized 52 Alabama Public Schools receiving the HealthierUS School Challenge award at the Pelham Civic Center. “I’m thrilled to recognize these 52 Alabama schools for this extraordinary achievement,” said Deputy Under […]
Size of protein aggregates, not abundance, drives spread of prion-based disease In a study that challenges the conventional wisdom about infections caused by proteins called prions, Brown researchers report in Science that the size of protein structures, rather than their abundance, determines their transmission among cells. PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — Mad Cow disease and […]
Discovery opens new window on development, and maybe potential, of human egg cells Egg cells hold the key to many mysteries about reproduction, and knowing about the genetic makeup of individual eggs is important in fertility treatment. A new method of looking at genetic material egg cells discard offers a way to learn more about […]