Articles tagged with: University of California San Francisco

Treating Neurological Disorders With Music Therapy PBS NewsHour Highlights Efforts at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital UCSF’s efforts to harness and understand the impact of music therapy on the brain was featured in a recent PBS NewsHour story on “The Healing Power of Music.” Heidi Clare Lambert The segment, which aired on Feb. 27, was inspired by former […]
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Fighting Infections: Old Drug Reveals New Tricks UCSF-led Study Shows How Interferon Works to Suppress Virus in Patients With HIV, Hepatitis A drug once taken by people with HIV/AIDS, but long ago shelved after newer, modern antiretroviral therapies became available, has now shed light on how the human body uses its natural immunity to fight […]
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Schizophrenia Patients’ Ability to Monitor Reality May Be Helped by Computerized Training UCSF Study Shows Digital Cognitive Training Improves Brain Function and Behavior for People with Schizophrenia People with schizophrenia who completed 80 hours of intensive, computerized cognitive training exercises were better able to perform complex tasks that required them to distinguish their internal thoughts […]

Statins Linked with Lower Depression Risk in Heart Disease Patients Patients with heart disease who took cholesterol-lowering statins were significantly less likely to develop depression than those who did not, in a study by Mary Whooley, MD, a physician at the San Francisco VA Medical Center (SFVAMC) and a professor of medicine at the University of […]
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Cancer Therapy More Potent When It Hits Two Targets UCSF Research Shows that One-Two Punch Blocks Tumor Growth, Invasion and Metastasis in Mice Simultaneous targeting of two different molecules in cancer is an effective way to shrink tumors, block invasion, and stop metastasis, scientists at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) have found — […]
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Hepatitis C, a Leading Killer, Is Frequently Undiagnosed But Often Curable New Treatments Are Coming for Liver-Damaging Virus Alex Monto, MD Hepatitis C virus — not AIDS-causing HIV — is the leading chronic virus infection leading to death in the United States, and its victims most often are baby boomers. More than half who are […]
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Cancer Research Shows Promise of New Drugs Clinical Trials Aim to Tackle Lethal Form of Prostate Cancer By sequencing genes while they produce proteins in cancer, Ruggero’s team identified a group of proteins that lead to prostate cancer metastasis and can be targeted with a new drug INK128 that they developed./Credit: Davide Ruggero Uncovering the […]
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Specialized Twin Center to Open at Mission Bay Medical Center UCSF to Serve Growing Number of Twin Births in U.S. Adam Degregorio and Megan Taylor with their almost 6-week-old twin girls, Aza June Degregorio, left, and Dillon Taylor Degregorio, who is 6 minutes younger than Aza./ Photos by Susan Merrell With advances in infertility treatments […]
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Anticipation of Stressful Situations Accelerates Cellular Aging Short Telomeres Associated with Increased Risk for Chronic Diseases Elissa Epel, PhD, an associate professor in the Department of Psychiatry at UCSF, examines the psychological process of how people respond to a stressful event and how that impacts their neurobiology and cellular health. The ability to anticipate future […]
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Babies’ Colic Linked to Mothers’ Migraines UCSF Study Reveals Possible Cause of Excessive Crying in Babies A study of mothers and their young babies by neurologists at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) has shown that mothers who suffer migraine headaches are more than twice as likely to have babies with colic than mothers […]
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