Articles tagged with: united nations development programme (undp)
Delegates move from words to action on the Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence and Development … Ten-point action plan outcome document adopted by all delegates … 01 November 2011 Geneva An international conference to reduce armed violence ended in Geneva today with an acknowledgment of the need for tighter controls on the flow of arms, […]
Soccer great Zidane tackles poverty in Mali as UN Goodwill Ambassador 25 October 2011 The soccer ace and United Nations Goodwill Ambassador Zinédine Zidane has ended a visit to Mali highlighting new anti-poverty tools in the West African country, including a multi-purpose engine that provides affordable power to mill grain, process rice, and recharge batteries. “I’ve been […]
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UN Goodwill Ambassador Zidane to highlight anti-poverty successes in Mali 13 October 2011 The soccer ace and Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Zinédine Zidane, will travel to Mali next week to highlight the country’s progress in the effort to alleviate poverty. “Today I want to help,” said Zidane, who has been UNDP’s Goodwill […]
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Zidane and Ronaldo target hunger in annual all-star UN charity soccer match 26 September 2011 The soccer stars and United Nations Goodwill Ambassadors Ronaldo and Zinédine Zidane announced today that proceeds from the next UN all-star charity game will go to the world body’s continuing efforts to fight the food crisis in the Horn of […]
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