Articles tagged with: un world food programme

Philippines: UN agencies boost relief effort for storm survivors as death toll rises Residents of Mindanao, Philippines, survey damage caused by tropical storm Washi United Nations agencies stepped up relief efforts in the Philippines today to help survivors of tropical storm Washi, which the country’s authorities say has killed nearly 1,000 people and left hundreds […]

‘Storm of hunger’ threatens lives of 2.5 million South Sudanese – UN official Sudanese refugees rest next to their UNHCR tent inside South Sudan Damaged crops combined with conflict and insecurity are threatening to leave some 2.5 million people in South Sudan – the world’s newest country – in critical conditions unless food assistance is […]
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Niger: UN voices concern over high food prices after poor harvest High food prices in Niger have placed people already hit by shortages under severe pressure as they struggle to feed their families at a time of reduced harvests in the country, which lies in the drought-prone Sahel region of West Africa, a United Nations […]
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UN agency, Italian energy company partner to combat hunger and climate change The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and the Italian energy company Enel announced today a new partnership to combat hunger and malnutrition while also reducing carbon emissions through the use of ‘green’ stoves and solar panels.The €8 million agreement was unveiled at the UN […]
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Senior UN official highlights new tools to provide food aid to fragile countries WFP Executive Director Josette Sheeran 1 December 2011 – The head of the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) stressed today the importance of providing more support to fragile countries, adding that new agreements reached during this week’s aid effectiveness forum in the […]

Food Aid Brings Fresh Water To Nepalese Village Kanukura, 33, says that carrying water up the mountain slopes to her village used to be the hardest part of her day. It’s a job that mainly fell to women in this part of Nepal, who faced a backbreaking climb when they needed water. But that’s changed […]
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Ethiopia: HIV+ Mother Pulls Family Back from Brink With the help of WFP’s food support and livelihood assistance programmes, Belaynish Dabe and her HIV-positive husband no longer struggle to feed themselves and their children. WFP’s food support to people living with HIV helps ameliorate the double burden of lack of income and deteriorating health. For […]
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UN food aid agency helps create online game to fight hunger 30 November 2011 The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and Japanese electronic entertainment company Konami Digital have teamed up to release an online game today that can support the fight against hunger. The game, Food Force, takes players through the process of planting, harvesting, processing […]
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UN and Brazil launch initiative to combat hunger among school children The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and the Brazilian Government today launched a new initiative to help countries run their own national school meal programmes to advance the nutrition and education of children. The Centre of Excellence Against Hunger, located in the capital, […]
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Brazil And WFP Launch Centre Of Excellence Against Hunger … WFP and the Government of Brazil have launched the Centre of Excellence Against Hunger, a joint initiative which aims to help countries expand their school meal programmes so as to improve […]
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