Taking the “Ewww”… out of snail cream
June 17, 2014 – 11:07 pm | One Comment

Great news for all those women (and men) who have wanted to try the beautifying effects of snail slime but could never get past the “ick” factor. 20yrsyounger.com promises to get rid of the Ewww… while still letting women reap the anti-aging and rejuvenating benefits of snail slime cream. The process itself is called lyophilisation […]

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Articles tagged with: tinnitus

Tinnitus Miracle Review
January 17, 2010 – 3:42 am | No Comments
Tinnitus Miracle Review

First of all, it’s not just a “tinnitus help” program, it’s a tinnitus cure program. This may seem like semantics or wordplay at first, but once you’ve read just the first chapters, there will be no doubt in your mind [More…] that pursuing “help with your Tinnitus” is not only the wrong goal, it may be the reason that you’ve failed to get rid of the ringing sounds in your ears until now. Tinnitus Miracle shows you exactly why you should fix the internal problem that’s hindering your chances of getting rid of the tormenting sounds in your ears and then goes on to show you exactly how to do it.

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Tinnitus Treatment. Causes of Tinnitus.
January 17, 2010 – 2:51 am | No Comments
Tinnitus Treatment. Causes of Tinnitus.

tinnitus treatment ebookClinically speaking, tinnitus represents any ringing or buzzing in the ear not resulting from an external stimulus. However, there are several forms of tinnitus, each one of them capable of thoroughly disrupting the life of the patient. There is subjective tinnitus where the ringing or the wheezing is heard by the patient alone and objective tinnitus in which the doctor can also hear the noise by using acoustic instruments. Some of these are unilateral (can be heard in one ear) or bilateral where it is heard in both the ears. Persons suffering from Pulsatile Tinnitus can hear their own heartbeats while Somatic Tinnitus resonances lie outside the ear, probably beyond the cochlear nerves and is believed to arise from central crosstalk within the grey matters. Chronic Sinusitis Tinnitus could be a nasty customer, being caused by thickened mucus trapped within the middle ear space from which it is difficult to drain the mucus out.

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Tinnitus Treatment. What is Tinnitus?
January 17, 2010 – 2:34 am | No Comments
Tinnitus Treatment. What is Tinnitus?

The sound of tinnitus varies from one person to another. The noises are usually described as ringing, whistling, buzzing or humming, which can manifest themselves at a range of volumes from low, ambient noise to a level that can seem overwhelming. Some people hear the noise as a low frequency; others find it either medium or high pitched. It can manifest itself as a single noise or two or more components. The noise may be continuous for some people and may come and go for others.

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