Articles tagged with: rhode island hospital
Brown faculty experts on the future of HIV/AIDS World AIDS Day 2010 sees some hopeful signs — and speculation that the global public health fight against HIV/AIDS may have turned a corner. PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — Recent, hopeful developments in the global fight against HIV/AIDS have spurred speculation, especially around World AIDS Day Dec. […]
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Concussions: Giving brain injuries the attention they deserve No more “Just shake it off” advice. Sports organizations from Pop Warner to the NFL are starting to treat concussions as the serious injuries they are. PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — An estimated 300,000 high school athletes suffer concussions on the playing fields annually. The brain is […]
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Research team identifies new mechanism with suspected role in cancer Researchers at Brown University and Rhode Island Hospital have identified a process in which prolactin receptors can be drawn together and begin working in pairs called dimers. Overexpression of prolactin receptors in patients has been linked to cancer. PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — If women […]
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Louis B. Rice, M.D., Named Chair of Medicine at Alpert Medical School Louis Rice, M.D., a specialist in infectious disease, has been appointed chair of the Department of Medicine at The Warren Alpert Medical School and chief of medicine at Rhode Island and The Miriam hospitals. Rice’s research includes developing antibiotic usage strategies to minimize […]
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