Taking the “Ewww”… out of snail cream
June 17, 2014 – 11:07 pm | One Comment

Great news for all those women (and men) who have wanted to try the beautifying effects of snail slime but could never get past the “ick” factor. 20yrsyounger.com promises to get rid of the Ewww… while still letting women reap the anti-aging and rejuvenating benefits of snail slime cream. The process itself is called lyophilisation […]

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Posture correction. Posture Now Review.
December 15, 2010 – 9:00 pm | 6 Comments
Posture correction. Posture Now Review.

How to improve your posture. Posture braces for improving posture and back pain relief.

Posture correction brace
Have you ever thought to yourself:

“My back aches when I sit at the computer.”
“I can’t get rid of my gut.”
“I have low energy and don’t feel as confident as I used to.”
“I try to remind myself to sit and stand up straight, but just can’t.”
“After long periods sitting at a computer, my neck is stiff and I get frequent headaches.”
“I’m embarrassed by my posture in social situations, but don’t know what to do about it.”

Many people suffer from the long-term effects of working at a computer, reading, nursing a baby, driving or other activities that promote poor posture. One of the long-term effects is characterized by a forward slump caused by overuse of the pectoral and scalene muscles of the body. The posture support brace adds support to the body and protects the body from further damage. A supportive posture brace secures above your waist and wraps around the shoulders and in turn pulls in the belly and brings the shoulders back.

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