Articles tagged with: hu

Hyman to lead Broad research center Former provost named director of Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research Steven Hyman, neuroscientist, former Harvard University provost, and former head of NIMH, has been named the new director of the Broad Institute’s Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research. Steven E. Hyman, a Harvard-trained neuroscientist, University provost for a decade, and the former […]

Kevin Lewis on Mate Choice in an Online Dating Site … Kevin Lewis on Mate Choice in an Online Dating Site … Data from online dating sites offer an unprecedented opportunity to address questions of longstanding interest to social scientists. In this talk, Kevin Lewis — Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Sociology and a […]
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Crafting the Luxury Experience … Crafting the Luxury Experience … Robert Chavez, CEO of Hermès US, explains why employee engagement and an online presence are key. ### * The above story is adapted from materials provided by Harvard University _________________________________________________________________

Chicago as urban microcosm Professor studies Second City to paint detailed portrait of American cities “Neighborhoods have legacies,” said Robert Sampson, author of “Great American City: Chicago and the Enduring Neighborhood Effect.” “Crime and poverty are durable over long periods of time. From the 1960s onwards, cities went through amazing social change — riots, crime […]

Secrets of ancient Chinese remedy revealed Two-thousand-year-old herb regulates autoimmunity and inflammation “This compound could inspire novel therapeutic approaches to a variety of autoimmune disorders,” said Harvard School of Dental Medicine Professor Malcolm Whitman (from left), the senior author on the new study. Also pictured are Tracy Keller, the first author on the paper and […]
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Where medicine meets artistry Transit Gallery encourages busy workers to slow down, and see “A lot of what happens in a lab is about trial and error, and repeatedly trying and not seeing results,” the same as in an artist’s studio, said exhibitor Deb Todd Wheeler. “Persevering in the face of failure — sometimes that’s […]

Ideas to improve the everyday Third ‘Harvard Thinks Big’ event spotlights eight game-changing concepts “The message of Michelle Obama’s ‘Let’s Move’ program is drowned out by the $2 billion spent to market unhealthy food to children,” said Evolutionary Biology Professor Daniel Lieberman during “Harvard Thinks Big” event at Sanders Theatre. For the third straight year, […]

Rebecca MacKinnon on The Worldwide Struggle for Internet Freedom … Rebecca MacKinnon on The Worldwide Struggle for Internet Freedom … Consent of the Networked: The Worldwide Struggle for Internet Freedom Rebecca MacKinnon, New America Foundation Many commentators have debated whether the Internet is ultimately a force for freedom of expression and political liberation, or for […]
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Most Cancers Strike Men, But Reasons Are Enigmatic It is well known that most cancers strike men more often than women. In many cases these differences can be explained by known risk factors such as smoking, drinking, or occupational hazards. But more than one-third of the cancers that disproportionately strike one sex or the other—men, […]
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A swimsuit like shark skin? Not so fast But teethlike ridges on bodies do help fish go faster, research says Kris Snibbe/Harvard Staff Photographer/Professor George Lauder has found that the rough surface of shark skin helps reduce drag and increase thrust as the animal swims. Interestingly, the research also tested the high-tech swimsuits and found […]
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