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World Food Day 2011. World Food Day, 16 October 2011. Overview.

Article / Review by on October 16, 2011 – 6:01 pmNo Comments

World Food Day 2011
16 October 2011

World Food Day 2011.

> World Food Day 2011. About.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations celebrates World Food Day each year on 16 October, the day on which the Organization was founded in 1945.

The objectives of World Food Day are to:

  • encourage attention to agricultural food production and to stimulate national, bilateral, multilateral and non-governmental efforts to this end;
  • encourage economic and technical cooperation among developing countries;
  • encourage the participation of rural people, particularly women and the least privileged categories, in decisions and activities influencing their living conditions;
  • heighten public awareness of the problem of hunger in the world;
  • promote the transfer of technologies to the developing world; and
  • strengthen international and national solidarity in the struggle against hunger, malnutrition and poverty and draw attention to achievements in food and agricultural development.


> World Food Day 2011. FAO Director-General’s Message on the World Food Day/TeleFood 2011 theme,
“Food prices: from crisis to stability”

Dr Jacques Diouf, Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)“Food prices – from crisis to stability” has been chosen as this year’s World Food Day theme to shed some light on a trend that is hurting the poor consumer, the small producer and agriculture in general. Food prices, which were stable for decades, have become increasingly volatile.

If we are to seriously address the issue of world hunger, more effort has to be made to address the problem of food price fluctuations, particularly for those who spend most of their incomes on food, to ensure that they can return from the market with enough for their families to eat nutritiously.

The causes of food price instability are well known. However, counteracting this instability requires political will.

The global food market is tight, with supply struggling to keep pace with demand and stocks are at or near historical lows. Droughts or floods hitting key producing regions squeeze prices further. Agriculture cannot respond fast enough with increased food production because of long-term under-investment in research, technology, equipment and infrastructure.

Increased wealth means many people worldwide are eating more meat and dairy products, driving up the price of animal feed. Eighty million people are born every year, creating more demand for food.

A further contributing factor may be the recent entry of institutional investors with large sums of money into food commodity futures markets. In addition, distorting agricultural and protectionist trade policies bear a significant part of the blame.

At the level of net food-importing countries, price rises can hurt poor countries by making it much more expensive for them to import food for their people. Farmers are also affected because they badly need to know, months away, the price their crops will fetch at harvest time. If high prices are likely, they plant more. If low prices are forecast, they plant less and cut costs. Rapid price swings make that calculation much more difficult.

Greater policy coordination in international food trade can reduce volatility by helping maintain an assured flow of goods. FAO supports the elimination of trade-distorting agricultural subsidies in rich countries.

On speculation, FAO’s research suggests that while this might not trigger price movements, it could exaggerate their size and duration. More and better information is needed to allow greater transparency in trade on futures markets. This would help ensure that governments and traders make informed decisions and avoid panic or irrational reactions.

As to mitigating the effects of volatility on the poor, national or regional safety nets, possibly featuring emergency food reserves, can help assure food supplies to the needy during crises. Poor consumers can also be assisted with cash or food vouchers and farmers helped with inputs such as fertilizer and seeds.

Various financial mechanisms can help governments protect consumers from food price increases. One example is call options, which would give governments the right to buy food at a set price even months ahead, regardless of how the market has moved in the meantime.

Ultimately though, stability in the food market depends on increased investment in agriculture, particularly in developing countries, where 98 percent of the hungry live and where food production needs to double by 2050 to feed growing populations.

On World Food Day 2011, let us reflect seriously at what causes swings in food prices, and articulate alternatives on what needs to be done at national, regional and global levels to reduce the impact on almost a billion people who do not have enough to eat.

Jacques Diouf
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

> World Food Day 2011. UN Secretary-General’s message.



Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the United Nations (UN)Today, in the Horn of Africa, more than 13 million people are affected by one of the region’s worst droughts in 60 years.  Famine grips swathes of southern Somalia.  Yet, drought does not need to become famine — nor should it ever be allowed to, either through system failure or through the kind of deliberate deprivation we are seeing in areas controlled by Al-Shabaab.

The hunger in the Horn of Africa is but a fraction of a needless global menace.  There is more than enough food on the planet to feed everyone, yet today nearly 1 billion people will go hungry.  I urge world leaders in rich and poor countries alike to invest the energy and resources necessary to win the battle against hunger — a key pillar of our efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.  Lasting solutions must cover the full spectrum of food security – from improving the resilience of smallholder farmers to deploying safety net programmes that help protect the most vulnerable.

This year’s World Food Day highlights the issue of price volatility.  For the world’s poorest people, many of whom spend up to 80 per cent of their income on food, this can be devastating.  In 2007-2008, food price inflation pushed some 80 million people into hunger.  Recent food price hikes have propelled another 70 million people into extreme poverty.

We need to break the links between poverty, food insecurity and malnutrition.  Families impoverished by price volatility risk seeing their babies’ minds and bodies permanently damaged by malnutrition; their children being taken out of school and put to work, and their income-producing livestock slaughtered for food.  The answer is to put in place policies, like those advocated by the Scale Up Nutrition movement, to ensure all people have access to sufficient nutrition.

This month the world’s population will top 7 billion people.  The world has the knowledge and the resources to end hunger; we have the tools to ensure that the poorest are buffered from the impact of rising prices.  Let us use them — now — to conquer hunger.

Ban Ki-moon
United Nations

> World Food Day 2011. World Food Week/World Food Day 2011 Events.

Thursday, 13 October Press Conference to launch the
6th Edition of the Run for Food Race
Campidoglio, Rome 12.30
Friday, 14 October US Mission to the UN Agencies in Rome
8th  Annual George McGovern WFD Lecture by Roger Thurow
Green Room 10.00
Friday, 14 October FAO Crisis Management Centre – Animal Health
5th Anniversary Event
Green Room 12.00
Friday, 14 October International Catholic Rural Association (ICRA) Roman Forum
on World Food Day theme
Austria Room 15.00
Sunday, 16 October World Food Day
6th Edition of the Run for Food Race and
FAO Staff Coop Cultural Show and “Food Fair”
Stadium (Terme di Caracalla) 10.00
Monday, 17 October to
Tuesday, 18 October
United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service (NGLS) Meeting Mexico Room/Lebanon Room 8.30
Monday, 17 October Launching of the World Food Week Exhibition by Alliance against Hunger and Malnutrition (AAHM) with focus on the Save Food Exhibition Atrium 09.00
17 October
World Food Day Ceremony Plenary Hall 09.30
17 October
NGO/CSO Forum on World Food Day Lebanon Room 12.30
17 October
Opening of Committee on World Food Security
(CFS) – 37th Session
Plenary Hall 14.30
17 October
Roma InConTra event with the participation of the
Heads of Rome Based Agencies with  the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Mayor of Rome
Ara Pacis, Romel 17.00
17 October
World Food Day Concert by the Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma with Maestro Francesco La Vecchia Auditorium Conciliazione 20.30
Tuesday, 18 October Private Sector Forum Austria Room 12.30
Tuesday, 18 October Unveiling of the Freedom from Rinderpest Monument Ministry of Health, EUR, Rome 12.30
20 October
Signing ceremony between
United States Peace Corps-FAO-World Food Programme
Atrium 15.00
21 October
Seminar on “Save food” Iran Room 10.00
22 October
Closing Session of Committee on World Food Security (CFS) Plenary Hall 09.30
Monday, 24 October Conference on “The Sustainability of the Food Systems and Diets For Stability” in collaboration with Federalimentare, with the art exhibition “Responsible Art for Food”, in collaboration with Istituto Archivi Legali Amedeo Modigliani Green Room
and Flag Room
27 October
United Nations Women’s Guild World Food Day
Poster Competition Awarding Ceremony
Iran Room 10.00
Thursday, 27 October World Food Day Special Ceremony at the United Nations Headquarters New York 13.00
> World Food Day 2011. 60th Anniversary of the FAO’s transfer to Italy.

>> FAO/Italy: history in the making

On 16 October 1945, at Château Frontenac in Quebec City, Canada, representatives from 34 countries signed the Constitution of FAO, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

The first official Conference for the new body was held on 16 October, 1945 in Quebec City, Canada.  The Conference translated the general principles stated at Hot Springs into Recommendations for action by member nations. The first Director-General was also elected. This was Sir John Boyd Orr, a Scot who held the post from 1945 to 1948.  In 1949, Orr was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his humanitarian work.

In the introduction to the founding document of the new Organization, the member countries undertook to:
– increase the nutritional levels and living standards of their populations;
– improve the efficiency of the production and distribution of all agricultural and food products;
– improve the living conditions of rural communities;
– contribute to the expansion of the global economy and ensure that humanity is free from hunger.

>> FAO’s move to Italy

The headquarters of the new Organization was provisionally established in Washington DC, but at the V Session of the General Conference, in 1949, Member States decided that many aspects of its mandate coincided with those of IIA, and with a majority vote they opted to move the offices to Rome. IIA officially ceased to exist on 27 February, 1948, and FAO took over its structure, operations and staff.

In February 1951, FAO, headed by Norris E. Dodd from USA, officially moved its headquarters to the Terme di Caracalla, in a building previously intended for the Ministry of Italian Colonies in East Africa.

At the time, the Organization had a staff of about 580 people, but in the beginning, fewer that a half of these were transferred to Italy. In February 1951, two Italian ships – Saturnia and Vulcania – set sail with the first 76 employees and their families for Rome.

Since then, the number of people working for FAO has risen to 2,139 in Rome alone.

Video on the 60th Anniversary of FAO’s transfer
from Washington DC, USA, to Rome, Italy

> World Food Day 2011. Run for Food.

Video on the 6th Edition of the Run for Food

Run for Food Race
RUN FOR FOOD race – Stadium Terme di Caracalla, Rome

The funds collected through the Run for Food race 2010 were donated to the “Fruit trees for Haiti” project. This project is designed to bring attention to the desperate need for tree-planting in Haiti (country devastated by the earthquake on 12 January 2010). Once mature, fruit trees also provide additional nutrition for poor children. FAO Goodwill Ambassador and Olympic track legend Carl Lewis visited the “Fruit trees for Haiti” project in June 2011 and planted trees with schoolchildren in Haiti.

“Run for Food Race against Hunger Project”
6th Edition in Rome
Sunday, 16 October 2011 – 10.00 hours
Stadium delle Terme di Caracalla

The 6th Edition of the Run for Food race will be organized by the Athletic Association Bancari Romani (GSBR) in partnership with The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the World Food Programme (WFP), Bioversity International, FAO Staff Coop, with the support of the Municipality of Rome, the sponsorship of Youth and United Natons Global Alliance (YUNGA) and United Nations Federal Credit Union (UNFCU). The race has the Patronage of Rome Province and with the participation of the partners such as United Nations Women’s Guilt (UNWG), the Department of “Scienze Documentarie, Liguistico-filologiche e geografiche della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia”, of the Sapienza Univerity of Rome, John Cabot University, Liceo Manara “Associazione Italiana Insegnanti di Geografia (AIIG)”, “Società Geografica Italiana”, “Centro Turistico Stdentesco (CTS)”.

As in previous years, this race will take place in the framework of the World Food Day and this year the theme is “Food Prices-from crisis to stability”. 

The objectives of World Food Day are to:

  • to raise public awareness
  • focus attention on food security
  • disseminate information
  • mobilize public opinion and funds in favor of the global fight against hunger

There are now almost 1 billion malnourished people in the world, meaning that almost one sixth of all humanity is suffering from hunger. With all the advances in science and technology, the world has the means to eliminate hunger but this will require the firm commitment of all sectors of society. The power of the sport can contribute to mobilize public opinion and  resources towards the eradication of  hunger.

Working together FAO, IFAD, WFP, Bioversity International and the FAO Staff Coop together with Comune di Roma, GSBR and their partners, are joining forces to battle hunger and extreme poverty.

Aims of the 6th Edition of the Run for Food

1) Awareness raising on the fact that hundreds of millions of people worldwide don’t get enough to eat each day and for them.

2) Fund raising: the inscription fees of the race will be donated to the FAO TeleFood projects in the Horn of Africa.

FAO launched the TeleFood Programme  in 1997 after the first World Food Summit as an annual campaign of awareness-raising events (broadcasts, concerts, sports) and other activities to harness the power of media, celebrities and concerned citizens to help fight hunger. For example, the Run for Food had important testimonials such as FAO Goodwill Ambassadors Gina Lollobrigida, Beatrice Faumuina, Justine Pasek, Carl Lewis, Raoul Bova, Anggun, WFP Goodwill Ambassador, Maria Grazia Cucinotta and other celebrities such as Fiona May, Nino Benvenuti and Andrew Howe.

Donations to TeleFood finance small, self-contained agriculture, livestock and fisheries projects that help poor families produce more food; not a penny is spent on administrative costs.  Although small in scale and cost, TeleFood projects make a significant impact.

For more information:

When and where: Sunday, 16 October 2011 inside the Stadium (Terme di Caracalla) open from 8.00 hours with a Food Fair and Cultural activities by the FAO Staff Coop. Race starts at 10.00 hours from Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, Roma.

Distance: 10 kilometres competitive race and 5 kilometres non-competitive race.

Race: Competitive for those with a valid FIDAL card

> World Food Day 2011. Schools.


All young people love sports. Exercise helps develop a strong body and a balanced mind. We burn a lot of energy when we run, swim, or play. The Run for Food Race wants to draw people’s attention to the fact that many, way too many people not only don’t have enough energy to do some exercise, but also they don’t have even the minimum energy to survive! They are poor people living mainly in developing countries, they don’t have enough to eat nor enough money to feed themselves, and often they are children and young people just like you. This situation is not acceptable and something has to be done! If you are young and energetic and if you want to send a message to those who don’t know yet that almost 1 BILLION people are in this situation, participate in the Run for Food Race which will take place in Rome on October 16, 2011 and take the opportunity to spread the message. Get ready and discover why your participation to this event is so important!
Also, the money raised from the race will be donated to small-scale projects aimed at helping the populations in the Horn of Africa hit by drought and famine.

Additional Resources

Make this event an occasion to learn and discover something new! Don’t just go and run… everybody could do that, but not everybody knows what is really going on behind the scenes! Below are some useful resources that you should definitely check out.

THE RIGHT TO FOOD is a rather complicated issue, but comics can help understand it, especially when they are “illustrated by young people for young people”. Download the comics in PDF format at

FAO KIDS is a complete database of information about a wide range of issues such as poverty, hunger, biodiversity, global warming, human rights and In particular, is dedicated to hunger and it includes data, maps, and even a quiz to test your knowledge about hunger.
THE FAO CHILDREN AND YOUTH CLIMATE CHANGE portal contains activities, resources, events, competitions and projects related to biodiversity, climate change and other issues that concern youth:
The YUNGA WEBSITE includes useful information, news, challenge badges and activities of different kinds for young people. There is also a free newsletter you can register to if you want to be automatically informed when new resources become available.
FAO HUNGER is a portal dedicated to all issues related to hunger: causes, solutions, frequently asked questions, data and hunger definitions can be found Further information on the state of food insecurity in the world is provided with graphs and statistics at
FEEDING MINDS FIGHTING HUNGER is an international classroom for exploring the problems of hunger, malnutrition and food insecurity. Resources for teachers and students can be found here in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Swahili: For a list of useful resources from this website, visit  Find also some funny comics on the right to food at
GENDER EQUALITY is a delicate issue and it becomes very important when related to hunger. The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) website provides useful information on women empowerment.
 THE WAGGGS WEBSITE contains many resources and news on global issues such as climate change and hunger, including a Together we can change the world badge about the Millennium Development Goals:
WFP has created a very useful portal on hunger, discover all its contents Games and activities for all ages can be found
The website includes a traditional folktale on food and altruism – “The Stone Soup” Teachers are encouraged to try more classroom activities
FOOD PRICE is very important when understanding the advantages and disadvantages of living in a developed or developing country. FAO has organized the world data related to food prices in a unique index called the FAO Food Price Index (FFPI) that measures the trends and modifications in the global food market. Take a look!.
Finally, since hunger cannot be separated by environmental issues such as climate change and biodiversity loss, it is important to stay informed about these as well. Here are some resources for you!                                                


> World Food Day 2011. History.

World Food Day was established by FAO’s Member Countries at the Organization’s Twentieth General Conference in November 1979. The date chosen – 16 October – is the anniversary of FAO.

>> Resolutions on World Food Day

  • FAO General Conferences Resolutions

>> Archive of WFD Web sites

World Food Day 2011.

World Food Day 2011
16 October 2011

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