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National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS). HIV/AIDS Awareness Days.

Article / Review by on November 2, 2011 – 11:12 pmNo Comments

National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS). HIV/AIDS Awareness Days.

That’s how long it has been since the first cases of AIDS were reported in the U.S. HIV is still a reality for more than 1.1 million Americans. One of every five people living with HIV in the U.S. doesn’t know it.

December 1, World AIDS Day, i30 years

December 1, World AIDS Day, is an opportunity to take action. Through Facing AIDS 2011, you and your community can help reduce stigma and promote HIV testing by putting a face to AIDS.

Dec. 1st World AIDS Day

December 1-st, World AIDS Day

The World Health Organization established World AIDS Day in 1988. World AIDS Campaign is the leading international organization which plans and implements the observance.

Find out how you can take action for World AIDS Day and join in the Facing AIDS online photo campaign.

Visit for brochures, images, and other information for the day.

See the World AIDS Day events calendar here.


HIV/AIDS Awareness Days Calendar.

December 1-st, World AIDS DayDecember 1-st, World AIDS Day

February 7th, National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness DayFebruary 7th, National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

March 10th, National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness DayMarch 10th, National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

March 20th, National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness DayMarch 20th, National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

May 18th, HIV Vaccine Awareness DayMay 18th, HIV Vaccine Awareness Day

May 19th, National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness DayMay 19th, National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

June 8th, Caribbean American HIV/AIDS Awareness DayJune 8th, Caribbean American HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

June 27th, National HIV Testing DayJune 27th, National HIV Testing Day

September 18th, National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness DaySeptember 18th, National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day

September 27th, National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness DaySeptember 27th, National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

October 15th, National Latino AIDS Awareness DayOctober 15th, National Latino AIDS Awareness Day




HIV/AIDS Awareness Days.

December 1-st, World AIDS DayDecember 1-st, World AIDS Day

Dec. 1st World AIDS Day

The World Health Organization established World AIDS Day in 1988. World AIDS Campaign is the leading international organization which plans and implements the observance.

Find out how you can take action for World AIDS Day and join in the Facing AIDS online photo campaign.

Visit for brochures, images, and other information for the day.

See the World AIDS Day events calendar  here.


February 7th, National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness DayFebruary 7th, National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day


Feb. 7th National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

The Strategic Leadership Council  directs, plans, and organizes NBHAAD with support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The 2011 theme is “It Takes a Village to Fight HIV/AIDS.”

Posters, fact sheets, and more are available at To post and find events, go .

Read the 2011 press statement by HHS Secretary Sebelius. Read CDC’s fact sheet (PDF 215 KB) to learn more about HIV and AIDS among African Americans.

March 10th, National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness DayMarch 10th, National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Mar. 10th National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Service, Office on Women’s Health is the lead for this day.

Find posters, fact sheets, the theme and more at

To find and post events, visit

March 20th, National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness DayMarch 20th, National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Mar. 20th National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is a collaborative effort between these organizations: Asian Pacific Islander Wellness Center , CA7AE: HIV/AIDS Prevention ProjectGreat Plains Tribal Chairmen’s Health Board , Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc. , and National Native American AIDS Prevention Center .

Read the 2011 press statement from the IHS Director.

Visit the sites of the partners listed above to find the press release, posters, fact sheets, the theme, and other resources.

To find and register your events, visit the NNHAAD Nationwide Community Events Map

May 18th, HIV Vaccine Awareness DayMay 18th, HIV Vaccine Awareness Day

May 18th HIV Vaccine Awareness Day

National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) is the lead for this day.

NIAID’s HIV Vaccine Awareness Day web site contains many resources. Also visit to find local events and more resources.

Read and share this 2011 press statement by Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, Director, NIAID, NIH.

May 19th, National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness DayMay 19th, National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

May 19th National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

May 19 is National Asian and Pacific Islander (API) HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. The Banyan Tree Project —a national campaign to end the silence and shame surrounding HIV/AIDS in Asian and Pacific Islander communities—is the lead for this day. This year’s theme is “Saving face can’t make you safe. Talk about HIV–for me, for you, for everyone.”

Other Resources

June 8th, Caribbean American HIV/AIDS Awareness DayJune 8th, Caribbean American HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

June 8th Caribbean American HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

June 8 is Caribbean American HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.

The National Planning Committee . is convened by Caribbean People International Collective, Inc. and is the lead organizer for the day.

Events and Additional Resources

June 27th, National HIV Testing DayJune 27th, National HIV Testing Day

National HIV Testing Day (NHTD): June 27

National HIV Testing Day (NHTD), June 27, is an annual observance to promote HIV testing. The National Association of People with AIDS (NAPWA) founded the day in 1995 and continues to be the lead for this observance.

This year National HIV Testing Day falls between two major dates:

  • June 5, 2011 – 30 years since the CDC’s MMWR reported the first cases of AIDS; and,
  • July 13, 2011 – the one year anniversary of the release of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy.

The annual theme is “Take the Test. Take Control.”

Here are some NHTD resources:

Locate HIV Testing Near You: Use and share this online HIV/AIDS Prevention & Service Providers Locator and add the widget to your website or blog. Visit . Send a text message with your ZIP code to KNOWIT (566948).

Webinar/Conference Call: On June 15, hosted a webinar/conference call on “The State and Future of HIV/AIDS” for Federal staff and grantees who work with domestic HIV/AIDS programs. Please visit this page to download and view slides from the event. A podcast and transcript will be posted soon.

Posters: Download and customize these posters.  Post them in your community. Click here for more posters from the Greater Than AIDS Online Store.

Twitter: Learn about Twitter here. Use the hashtag #NHTD .

Podcast: Listen to Dr. Kevin A. Fenton, (Director of CDC’s National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention) discuss National HIV Testing Day. Click here for audio podcast.

More Resources: Read CDC’s June 24 MMWR about testing initiatives and learn more about CDC collaboration to promote testing. Visit this CDC feature page. Read and share CDC Director Frieden’s blog post and this NHTD post by Dr. Fenton, Director, NCHHSTP, CDC.

Learn about HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns in the U.S.

  • CDC’s Act Against AIDS  campaign aims to combat complacency about the HIV/AIDS crisis. Its “i know”  social media effort provides new channels for African-American young adults to talk openly and often about HIV.
  • The Greater Than AIDS  initiative responds to the AIDS epidemic, especially among Black Americans.
  • Our Church Lights the Way!  mobilizes faith communities to educate and encourage every person in their congregation and community to get tested for HIV.

Recent Events: Watch a May 26, 2011 White House webcast with faith communities to discuss HIV prevention and support to people living with HIV and AIDS. Listen to a podcast of the June 2010 National HIV Testing Day webinar “The Current and Future State of HIV Testing in the United States”, hosted by View the slides (PDF 826 KB).

September 18th, National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness DaySeptember 18th, National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day

Sept. 18th National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day

The AIDS Institute  launched this day in 2008 and is the lead.

Read these 2011 blog posts: NIH on HIV and aging researchAdministration on Aging on recognizing the day, and a guest post from The AIDS Institute.

Visit The AIDS Institute’s NHAAAD page for posters (PDF 791 KB), fact sheetExit Disclaimer (PDF 407 KB), planning guidesocial media outreach guide and more.

Find nearby NHAAD events to attend.

Learn more about HIV and aging here. View the “Positive Aging: HIV Turns 30 webinar.”

September 27th, National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness DaySeptember 27th, National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Sept. 27th National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

The National Association of People with AIDS  (NAPWA) is the lead organizer for this day which was launched in 2008.

For more information about this day  including resources to plan local events, visit . Follow NAPWA on Twitter .

Download fact sheets (PDF 280 KB) and other resources from CDC.

October 15th, National Latino AIDS Awareness DayOctober 15th, National Latino AIDS Awareness Day

National Latino AIDS Awareness Day

October 15 is National Latino AIDS Awareness Day.

The Latino Commission on AIDS (LCOA) , the Hispanic Federation and many other organizations organize this day. This year’s theme is Latinos Unite! Let’s stay Healthy! Get Tested for HIV! The NLAAD campaign works annually at building capacity for non-profit organizations and health departments in order to reach Latino/Hispanic communities, promote HIV testing, provide HIV prevention information and access to care.


Press Statement and Blog Posts

Posters and Fact Sheets

Local Events

Locate HIV Testing and other HIV Services

Video and New Media Resources

  • Learn about the Soy (I am) campaign . This Univision and the Kaiser Family Foundation effort features Latinos speaking openly about AIDS and related issues.
  • Share information on Twitter about what you’re doing to observe NLAAD. The official hashtag is #NLAADConnect with us on Twitter

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