Articles in Health Information Videos

No, You Don’t Have to Choose Between Your Wallet and Waistline If talk of food groups and balanced diets conjure up images of pyramids girded by grains and cereals at the bottom, you might be dating yourself. Pyramids, as it were, are “so 1990′s.” A more relevant icon is the talk of the table: the dinner […]
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High Heels, Flip Flops, and Other Foes: Protecting Your Feet and Ankles Boasting 26 bones and 33 joints, the human foot is a force to be reckoned with. When walking, it absorbs pressure three to four times that of your own body. Running? Make that six to eight times your weight. But in spite of […]
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Male Fertility: Boosting Your Baby-making Power Despite millions of sperm hurtling towards a single egg, conceiving a baby isn’t always as turn-key as health class textbooks suggest. As it turns out, nearly 15 percent of American men of childbearing age are sub-fertile, producing too few – or too many slow or misshapen – sperm. And […]
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Mushrooming: Diabetes Rates Double in Just Three Decades Startling new statistics published just weeks ago in the journal The Lancet suggest that nearly 350 million adults worldwide now have diabetes. Still not fazed? Consider this: That count is more than double what it was in 1980. And, while it’s clear that a now-global obesityepidemic is in large part fueling the […]
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For the Love of His Kids: Father Achieves Amazing Weight Loss, Stronger Heart With Father’s Day just behind us, it seems fitting to share a story about a man whose love for his kids inspired a dramatic, 225-pound weight loss. George Sparrow Jr. (pictured right) weighed more than 400 pounds when he began to lose weight. He struggled […]
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WHO Adds Cell Phones to Long List of Potential Carcinogens: Now What? In May, the World Health Organization announced that it had added cell phone radiation to a long list of possible cancer-causing agents. But with no new evidence to point to – the 31-scientist team worked exclusively off previously published data – many people are […]
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Get the Lead Out: Understanding – and Avoiding – Lead Poisoning Big box home improvement stores have thrown down the gauntlet, holding summertime paint sales that practically begyou to renovate. But don’t reach for that scraper just yet. If you’re living in a home built before 1978 (if you live in Rochester, the chances are good, considering […]
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Pesticides: Pursuing that Lush, Lovely Lawn Darn you, dandelion. As summer unfurls in upstate New York, homeowners seek ways to keep lawns and newly mulched flower beds weed- and pest-free. But do we too often reach for chemicals to help our horticultural pursuits? And what are the lingering health concerns with residential pesticides anyway? If a […]
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Your Cup of Joe: Could it Ward Off Cancers? Already this month, two studies have published in prominent cancer research journals suggesting that your daily cup(s) of joe could play a role in keeping certain cancers at bay. Specifically, the first study – published in Breast Cancer Research – showed that Swedish women who drank five or more […]
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Could Sugar Supercharge Some Antibiotics? While modern medicine boasts more and more implantable devices – items like urinary catheters, heart valves, even artificial hips – it’s important to note that these novel products carry some unique risks. One in particular has to do with infection. It turns out that everyday bacteria have a nasty habit of buildingeven hardier colonies […]
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